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Thread #117828   Message #2541508
Posted By: GUEST,Bill D
17-Jan-09 - 02:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's Farewell Speech...
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Farewell Speech...
Doug...**IF** the world, and us in particular, felt like we had to do 'something' about Saddam & his evil regime, it should have been done totally separately from invented lies & garbled 'intelligence' about his WMDs or connections to Al-Quaida!

What was done did NOTHING to help stop terrorism or find Bin Laden.

If you have mosquito hovering near you and someone whacks it with a hammer right on your head and then tells you as you bleed from the hammer "That mosquito 'might' have carried Typhus, and it sure won't bother you any more!", will you thank them?

Yeah, I's a weak metaphor...but sheesh! What we did in & to Iraq did nothing to really help, and MORE Iraquis have died since we 'helped' than would have died under Saddam!...and there is all this rubble where there used to be buildings.

Doing stupid things for bad reasons...then justifying it with lame, awkward rationalizations is the mark of a seriously flawed concept of leadership.............