The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23061   Message #254152
Posted By: Noreen
08-Jul-00 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: what is this song?
Subject: RE: what is this song?
Returning belatedly to this thread......
Hi Sonya,
Indeed I was not referring to you personally as a joke, I would not dream of doing such a thing. The series of postings as I read them struck me at the time as rather bizzare and I tried to make a (obviously feeble) joke. I'm sorry that it sounded different to you. As others have said, it is difficult to read the tone of a message sometimes, but smileys [ :o) ] can help you tell when someone is not being entirely serious!
Keep asking the questions.

Thanks to Jon, Malcolm and others for defending my intentions in my absence.

Now I'm worrying that Wesley will also have been offended..... please reassure me, someone!!

