The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2541728
Posted By: GUEST,ifor
17-Jan-09 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
Some 700 Israelis are believed to have been detained by the Israeli state for protesting against the invasion of Gaza and the killing of Palestinians there.

Around 230 Israelis are thought to still be detained.

Thje world's media has barely mentioned the protest by both Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs but there is a growing voice inside Israel which is horrified and repulsed at the slaughter in Gaza.

A reply to Teribus

The state of Israel is responsible for the ongoing conflict .....and is responsible for the slaughter,the indiscriminate slaughter and mutilation, of thousands inside one of the most densely populated cities in the world.

I am referring for example to the three sisters and their cousin who were blown up in their house today by an Israeli shell . Or the mother and child again murdered today by Israeli firepower while sheltering in a school.

Israel is illegally occupying Palestinian land and has has done so, despite rulings to get out, for decades. It is am occupying , armed force, that has consistently bullied,threatened,imprisoned and killed the Palestinian people since the very beginning. The blockade of Gaza was an ongoing affront to civilised society and the latest attack on Gaza is only a more deadly escalation of that affront.Palestinians were either going to die slowly or quickly!

Corperal Shalit is a soldier in an occupying army.He is the ONLY Israeli prisoner in the hands of the Palestinian Resistance.I feel very sorry for him .I also feel sorry for the thousands of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails,some of whom have been routinely tortured .I hope that no prisoner of any nationality is waterboarded or tortured like those in the hands of the US military.You say he is "kidnapped" but as a soldier in an aggressive occupying army he is clearly a prisoner of war.

The invasion of Gaza and the indiscriminate Israeli bombing has put Shalit's life at more risk.He could have been released months ago as part of a prisoner exchange.

In contrast, I praise those dozens of Israeli soldiers who have refused to serve in the IDF in Gaza claiming rightly that it is a war crime to attack innocent civilians with tanks,bombers,gunships and all the other horrrible weapons of war.

A last word about John Pilger.You are obviously past saving but Mudcat readers who are not familiar with this outstanding Australian journalist's work should seek out his books and films.They are inspirational.
I saw him speak several years ago at a literature festival about the Media and War and he received a standing ovation from the 1000 strong audience.
Speak truth to power!.