The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30961   Message #2541785
Posted By: bluerabbit10
17-Jan-09 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: John Hartford songs
Subject: Add: John Hartford Songs

When The Guiding Star Came To Tell City
John Hartford
No End of Love
Transcribed by: Verne Garrison

(This is a five minute track, and I took the words down best I could.

Welcome any corrections. The Guiding Star was built in Cincinnati in

1878, 1800 tons capacity...cut down by ice south of New Madrid, Mo in

Jan 6, 1893)(300 x 41.5 x 7.5)

When The Guiding Star Came To Tell City

    C               F   
The late Bert Fenn, was a long time friend
The river, we both were fond of
He related this tale, from a letter in the mail
                G          C
From his home in Tell City, Indiana

His father told him of days of old
An era of wonderous progression
Era of indoor plumbing and telephones
            G       C
And other modern inventions

Oh my darling,
An era of wonderous progression
Of indoor plumbing and telephones
          G          C
And other modern inventions

Back then they set around discussing it
The old folks were just a figurin
Wouldnt believe they would see
            G          C
Electric lights a flickering

They seen infact, the great impact
The things we take for granted
The whistle blew, and everyone knew
That the Guiding Star had landed

Oh my darling,
The things we take for granted
When the whistle blew, everyone knew
The Guiding Star had landed

The Guiding Star, was a sumptious car
An elegant sidewheel steamer
Seen in Cincinnati and New Orleans
And major towns between there

Guiding Star was from afar
And like a star, did twinkle
Her Captain and crew were always looked up to
For always the latest wrinkle

Oh my darling,
And like a star did twinkle
Her Captain and crew were always looked up to
For always the latest wrinkle


The Guiding Star came down the river
And she landed at Tell City
Connected on board to a long power cord
Was honest to God real electricity

The people on the street couldnt believe
It caused such an incredible sensation
August Schriber was so impressed
He called for an official occasion

Oh my darling,
Such an incredible sensation
August Schriber was so impressed
He called for an official occasion

All day long, the happy throng
Lined up to get aboard her
To site the electric lights
Just to stare and wonder

The Captain was touched, to see how much
Every heart was yearning
To see the site, in broad day light
Of the electric light a-burning

Oh my darling,
Yes every heart was yearning
To see the site in broad daylight
Of the electric lights a burning

The mechanical fan and the calliope
The city fathers, gentlemen and ladies
Folks were there from Tell City Chair
Back then in the 1880s

Everyone came from miles around
Down at the boat, were standing
The first electricity on the Ohio River
Came to Tell City Landing

Oh my darling,
Down at the boat, were standing
The first electricity on the Ohio River
To come to Tell City Landing

Captain Hegler, of the Guiding Star
Wanted to show the rest there
His appreciation for the celebration
Gave the most magnificent guesture

So at the high point of this event
As the afternoon slid toward nightfall
Made a speech and presented the mayor
With a freshly burnt-out light bulb

Oh my darling,
As the afternoon slid toward nightfall
He made a speech and presented the mayor
With a freshly burnt-out light bulb

The light bulb was an instant hit
And the mayor owned a drug store
It was put on display in a museum case
Everyone relished it even more

It was still there in later years
They moved it into the window
One night some neighborhood boys made some noise
And threw a brick through the drug store window

Oh my darling,
They moved it into the window
One night some neighborhood boys made some noise
And thre a brick through the drug store window

Now all we know is a few old photos
Old pictures of old steamboats loadin
Stuff that Bert Fenn collects
And the stories his daddy told him

You know Bert Fenn, was a long time friend
I always liked to visit him
The other day, he passed away
You can bet I sure do miss him

Oh my darling,
I always like to visit him
The other day, he passed away
You can bet I sure do miss him