The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117785   Message #2541893
Posted By: Azizi
17-Jan-09 - 11:29 PM
Thread Name: Black Church Services
Subject: RE: Black Church Services
Here is a contemporary arrangement of "Let Us Break Bread Together". As the video title indicates, this is a standard song for Black Baptist Communion services:

Let Us Break Bread Together- Communion Theme Song

posted by BrothaRollins; July 23, 2007
[The Greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church- Decatur, GA]


In this video, the congregation remains seated and are served the Communion bread, and then the Communion wine.

Here are some comments that viewer's posted about that video:

Yes, yes, yes!! This reminds me of communion as a little girl, when my grandmother would pin that little floppy white hat on my head. :)
-totallywitit (1 month ago)

[Note-I have no memory of that custom being observed in my church]

[This was written In response to a question about the lights being dim in the church]

The celebration in which the church is partaking is Communion. Taking of the bread and wine representing the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The lights go out to resemble the "night" in which the Lord was betrayed. The gloves are just ceremonial for deacons who are passing the bread and wine.
-winterbreeze125 (1 year ago)

[Dimming the lights during Communion wasn't and isn't a custom in my church. However, as I mentioned, the people who were involved in blessing and/or passing out the bread and wine wore white gloves. I believe that this is because of the sacredness of the bread & wine].


What are they (ushers) holding a sheet up for?
-tfb3hotmail (11 months ago)


That just the way the Deacons do our communion observance, My arm would get tired.
-BrothaRollins (11 months ago)

[At my church, the communion table always sits in front of the church directly below the pastor's podium. On Communion Sunday, the plates of Communion bread and the trays with the very snall goblets of wine are covered with a white table cloth and are brought out at the beginning of the Communion service. Note-the table is present, but not the Communion bread and wine during the regular church service. However, unlike the video whose link is provided above, in my church, the white tablecloth is folded and put aside, marking the beginning of the actual service.

My guess is that the white tablecloth further emphasizes the sacredness of this sancrament. Holding the tablecloth so that the members of the congregation can't see the bread and wine, further emphasizes the holiness of the sacrament and may signify the belief that some things that are sacred may have to be hidden from everyone but the ministers and deacons of the church].

See this comment about the white sheets:

YES! YES! YES! Now this is Church! Back in the dat [sic] when they had the Pot-Belly stove in the from to keep you not warm.... But WOAM! Back in the day when people took pride in taking communion; the mothers would take those white sheets home, and wash them, press them, and iron them, and not take them to the cleaners! Back when every Preacher had a Cadillac! When the Mothers would wear their all white, and the ushers would where those blue outfits.... MAN! I miss Church like this!
-tkj1985 (5 months ago)