The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117757   Message #2541905
Posted By: Amos
17-Jan-09 - 11:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Any 'catters going to Presidents Inauguration?
Subject: RE: BS: Any 'catters going to Presidents Inaugurat

Don't be silly. Of course you are a 'Catter.

Ake and Ebbie:

The discussion from Pilger et al is very interesting. It strikes me as odd that he seems to blame the military on Clinton when the ,military was reduced in size during the Clinton years, AFAIL. But the other thing is that I think he misestimates what is involved in moving the nation in the direction he wants it to go. The President, despite all of Rove's efforts, is not a dictatorship; for Obama to strive to unilaterally order the stand-down of the military industrial complex in a few sweeping dictates would be stupid beyond belief, simply because it would result in failure and a collapse of any power he had to accomplish anything further. It is one thing to imagine a good change, and another altogether to move a whole nation through that change' it is like the difference between steering a helium balloon and steering an aircraft carrier.