The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117785   Message #2541909
Posted By: Azizi
18-Jan-09 - 12:08 AM
Thread Name: Black Church Services
Subject: RE: Black Church Services
This reminds me of communion as a little girl, when my grandmother would pin that little floppy white hat on my head

It just occurs to me that there was a time when every female who attended church, including little girls, but especially women would wear a hat or otherwise have their head covered. Also, females used to wear short white gloves to church.

I'm going back to the 1950s with these memories. But those customs fell by the wayside in the early 1960s. While you may see a few women in the spring or summertime wearing a hat to church, it's not mandatory like it used to be. And it's rare if you see any woman, wearing white gloves in church, except when those happen to be part of the uniform of the ushers or deaconness.

I wonder if the custom of women covering their head came about because the beiief was that the power of the Holy Spirit was too intense for women to bare without something between them and that Holy Spirit {assuming that the Holy Spirit comes from above}.

I'm just guessing here. I'm not sure what is the meaning of the practice of women {and not men} covering their head in church.

Btw, I'd love to 'hear' from others about my recollections and comments. I'm trying to document information about these traditions, and I really don't want to be alone in doing so.