The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117488   Message #2542001
Posted By: VirginiaTam
18-Jan-09 - 05:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rules for Kittens in Mudcattery
Subject: RE: BS: Rules for Kittens in Mudcattery
p'raps he's daubed some of that glue on his palm.

maybe that's the name of the glue. Try Facepalm for those times when you just don't want to know.

la la la having a faceplam glue moment..

My name is Thwartin. I come from Flendropoli. It is near Yulmopia on the Anteswertian Plain. The Rudinoceri have destroyed the wild Yatzoming bushes. I had Jeeklurp for breakfast. The goats are afraid.