The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117785   Message #2542217
Posted By: Azizi
18-Jan-09 - 11:07 AM
Thread Name: Black Church Services
Subject: RE: Black Church Services
[The only change that I have made to this comment is adding the word "pianist" that I inadvertently left out of a sentnce]

Subject: RE: Jerry R's 'Black/White Gospel Workshop
From: Azizi - PM
Date: 26 Feb 05 - 06:06 PM

I've read through this thread with great interest and also want to thank you for bringing it back again.

I wanted to share a little bit now and more later..

I was raised in a Black Baptist church in New Jersey. Union Baptist Temple had [and still has] a congregation that for the most part was too 'saditty' to get happy.

When I was growing up [in the 1950s-mid 1960s] there were a number of church choirs that were divided by age and there was also a men's choir..During that time there was a children's choir, a Gospel Choir [made up of older women and men[, a young adult choir, called the 'Spiral Chorus', that was my mother's choir, a men's choir, and a mass choir. The Spiral Chorus sung the more innovative, uptempo gospel songs. In contrast, notwithstanding their name, the Gospel Choir sung anthems and hymns and slower gospel numbers. Besides all this our pastor, Rev. Matthew E. Neil was a singer preacher with a wonderful voice..

The choirs would rotate Sundays..I always preferred the Sundays when the Spiral Chorus sang..

Our chruch organist was a classically trained musician who eventually worked for the school system as a pianist. Our church pianist read music but [and] was a much more down home type musician..In later years I understood that there had been some tug of war between which style of music and accompaniment was best..Yet it seemed to me that they complimented each other well. As one might expect from their musical backgrounds, Mrs. Burke, the classically trained organist was the director of the more conventional Gospel choir, and Mrs Winstead the down home pianist was the director of the Spiral Chorus.

At that time we had no drums or guitars, saxophone or any other musical istruments in our church save the tamborine that was sometimes was used by the Spiral chorus. I also vaguely recall that some individual church members would sometimes bring their own tamborine to church, but this was very rare.

Of course times have changed and that church now has a drummer and a guitar player [but still no saxophone and usually no tamborines]
Clapping off beat is rare in that church now-though I recall that when I was young".


I should also mention that this church {which I refer to as my "home church"} also has a trumpet player who accompanies the pianist, electric guitarist, and snare drummer for all the congregational songs. The drummer appears to usually accompany the choir's songs. However the guitarist and the trumpet player appear to only accompany the pianist for the congregational songs. Regrettably, when I visited that church {I live about 7 hours away}, there's usually no organist playing along with the pianist.