The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2542297
Posted By: akenaton
18-Jan-09 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
McGrath....The article you posted by Simon Jenkins...I agree wholeheartedly, in fact, further up the thread I had posted a message in the same vein, trying to draw the attention of members to the nature of "hands off" warfare, "sanitised slaughter".

What a disgusting species we have become, I wonder if Mr Obama can CHANGE the way we treat our brothers and sisters?
You are quite correct to take Teribus to task over this issue....this has nothing to do with historic rights and wrongs, this is about inhumanity, liquidation of fellow mortals with no emotional contact.

Teribus dislikes my "emotive crap" but when we get right down to it emotion is all that keeps us in touch with our shared humanity.
All the rest, the facts, the history, the legal rights and wrongs can be spun (as Teribus does continually)to suit any argument, or excuse any hideous atrocity.....Only human emotion remains straight and true, the warmongers are determined to remove all human feeling from the act of sanitise it, package it and market it.

Someday ...if they get their way, we will have the technology to remove all life from any country, leaving buildings and infrastructure untouched.
The circle will be complete, we will have become God.