The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117831   Message #2542645
Posted By: Jeri
18-Jan-09 - 07:17 PM
Thread Name: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
I had wondered if he would sing those verses, and then figured, it's flippin' PETE SEEGER! And the feeling I got was that it was good to get those feelings out, and it was good to be singing about things that needed fixing instead of just the happy, bouncy stuff. Maybe because now I felt like there was a chance problems might get addressed and it felt good.

Peter, I think there are people who want retribution, but from what I've seen of that sort of goal, it doesn't usually turn out well for either side and the fights are just prolonged in varying intensities. the whole 'let bygones be' attitude is one that we need to get anything accomplished. I think we can prosecute criminals and still try to be decent to those who are guilty only of disagreeing with us.

I'm sure Obama won't be perfect, but I think he's the best thing to happen to the US since I can remember. Maybe it's not him so much as the way people are because of him. I don't know, but I plan on celebrating his success for a little while at least.