The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23101   Message #254279
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
08-Jul-00 - 08:19 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Red Army Heroes
Subject: Lyr Add: MEADOWLAND
Might this be a version of MEADOWLAND, as printed in the 1973 edition of Irwin and Fred Silber's Folksinger's Wordbook

Meadowland, meadowland
Meadows green fields in blossom
Merrily greet the plucky heroes
Yes the heroes of the great Red Army

Maidens fair, why d'you cry
Blushing maids are sad and weary,
Having to part from handsome lovers,
As the boys go off to join the army.

Oh maidens dear, never fear,
Staunch and faithful are your lovers.
Wish us good speed for we are leaving
To defend our happy land of Soviets.

Oh Steppe land so vast and free,
Tilled by flourishing Kolkhozes,
Everywhere factories and houses
Newly built, the fruit of Revolution.

Oh working folks, peasant folks,
Keep on building, kee[ on tilling.
Staunchly we hold our constant vigil,
We the people of the land of Soviets.