The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2542796
Posted By: GUEST,ifor
19-Jan-09 - 02:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
Reply to Robomatic

I have written here on Mudcat on several occasions about what is widely seen as Israel's views on negotiations.

But for you I will repeat the basics!

Firstly Israel is not interested in a viable two state solution to the conflict. It has flooded the West Bank [where there were no Jewish people in 1967 ] with around 400 000 armed Israeli settlers who now live on fortified hill top forts and towns.

These armed settlers are often the most extreme zionists walking around with their machine guns and carbines.They are well organised and keep stealing Palestinian farmland,orchards and water supplies.And of course they are attacking their neighbours in all kinds of ways.

The situation is so bad that the Palestinian farmers have been issued with video recorders by Israeli Human Rights groups so that the world can see how they are being threatened and attacked. By its own actions the Israeli state has made a two state solution almost impossible to imagine.

The alternative is a one state solution in which all people who share that land Jews, Muslims,Christians, Arabs Secularists etc] would   have full democratic and civil rights with religious freedoms guaranteed for all. This is a solution that the right wing zionists openly scoff at partly because under this solution the Palestinian refugees and their descendents would have the right to return to their own land.

The third solution seems to be one favoured by the right wing parties currently in power ,or jockeying for power, in Israel.

Israel in a state of permanent or semi permanent war always ready willing and able to flatten its neighbours and the Palestinians with its full armoury of huge bombs,chemical weapons, tank shells etc.

It wants the Palestinians out of the occupied territories and indeed would like to see the 20 % of Palestinian Israelis who are Israeli citizens out of the country as they are a reminder of the demographic timebomb ticking away.

Israel wants a series of bantustans for those who are left.Bantustans surrounded on all sides by Israeli guards,walls and barbed wire with freedeom of movement under the control of the Israelis. And all the while it continues to steal the land from the Palestinians through for example the building of that giant apartheid wall.