The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23107   Message #254285
Posted By: bbelle
08-Jul-00 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: Language Please
Subject: RE: Language Please
Steve ... I am respectful of people's children. This site is comprised of 99% adults (give or take a few points) and more often than not, the subject matter discussed is of an adult nature (and I am not referring to sex), as is the humor. The discussions are often heated and passionate and strong language usually ensues. I feel the same way about this as I do television ... if you don't want your children to watch/hear something, turn the channel.

The use of language does not turn a child into a psychopath ... and, I dare say, your children have probably heard worse at school. Unless, of course, you homeschool them. My niece was 3 when she used a word that her brother brought home from kindergarten, and that was just the beginning.

Believe me when I say that it is not my intention to downplay the way you are raising your children ... more power to you! But, as an adult, talking to other adults, I don't want to think about every word that comes out of my mouth, for fear that a child might be reading the threads.

respectfully ... moonchild