The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117828   Message #2543083
Posted By: Ron Davies
19-Jan-09 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's Farewell Speech...
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Farewell Speech...
As for ascribing the link of Saddam and Iraq to 9-11 to the New York Times, that only shows the sad lack of education and powers of logic of the poster who alleges this.

Said thickness--multiplied by the number of other Bush supporters--has unfortunately contributed to the rousing success of the Bush regime's propaganda campaign, obvious to anyone who can and is willing to think.   This propaganda campaign is what brought the trumped -up "legitimacy" to Bush's unnecessary war of choice in Iraq.

The crowning irony is that up to that point he had huge approval ratings, with most of the US--and even most of the world-- applauding the attack on the Taliban and the hunt for bin Laden.

He threw it all away.