The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117831   Message #2543345
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
19-Jan-09 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
Subject: RE: Seeger & Springsteen at Obama Inaugural
"Obviously it meant nothing to those bastards."

Not that I side with corporations, but let's not forget that HBO did make the event available to everyone on cable - and they offered the cablecast for free to systems, even for those that normally would have to pay for HBO. The concert was also available for free to everyone who showed up at the Lincoln Memorial, and it was not required to be broadcast or cablecast. Putting on an event of that magnitude does not come cheap. They also have video available for free on their website - .   I think in this case they have been fair, but they want to control how their product is used - just like most of us would.