The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23107   Message #254338
Posted By: SINSULL
08-Jul-00 - 11:19 PM
Thread Name: Language Please
Subject: RE: Language Please

I looked up the post you mentioned and in fairness to Mudcat I have to point out that "Spaceghost", the moron who made the remark, has never posted since. It was a cruel, stupid remark from a cruel, stupid person.
But Oggie should also see the recent posts on the same subject (instruments for handicapped children) with excellent advice and support. The school my son attended was recently offered instruments by Mudcatters as a result of my post.
The language issue is related to the "phantom poster" issue. Max has chosen to give us anonymity which allows those so inclined to be malicious, foul mouthed, cruel, etc while offering the more responsible among us freedom to post without fear. In threads dealing with abortion, capital punishment, even orangemen, anonymity is for some critical for free discussion. Of course you can object to any of the above appearing on a "Music" site but that's a whole other issue.
Adult language is part of the humor around here. It is also sometimes a necessary outlet for some anger. And then you have the visitors who derive some adolescent glee out of posts they hope will shock us. If Oggie feels he has a responsibility to protect his children from this as much as possible then he needs to monitor their use of the Mudcat site. And I respect his need to do this.