The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2543516
Posted By: GUEST,ifor
19-Jan-09 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
To Teribus

As you probably know the Egyptian ruler Mubharak rules only through the support of an army of internal security forces and secret police.Torture is commonplace ! A bit like Israel in that sense.

He gets his funding from the USA and without that financial and military support he would not last a year.

He has agreed with the Israeli leadership that the border be sealed and wasn't a wonderful sight last year when Palestinian engineers opened the fence and Palestinians streamed out to buy much needed supplies.Don't you agree?

Actually, many people believe that the freedom of the Palestinian people lies through Cairo and the Israeli leadership is going to have to be careful that it doesn't step over the mark and inflame the "Egyptian street" so much that the hated Mubharak is toppled!It could yet happen!

I read in one report that Egyptian children and a few adults were injured by Israeli shrapnel flying out of Gaza and also that Israeli warplanes flew over Egypt after their bombing runs which shows two things to me
1 The spinelessness of Mubharak and
2 Some connivance with the Israelis against the Palestinians.

He hasn't done his reputation much good inside or outside Egypt!
But do also remember that Gaza has links to the rest of the occupied territories and residents have been unable to visit family and friends for years...another form of emotional torture for the Palestinians.Gaza is still an occupied territory while Israel controls , threatens and invades its land ,sea and air borders.

Today the BBC News reported that some 50000 Gazans have been made homeless because of the Israeli bombing and 400000 have no clean water.How long before typhoid ,cholera and diptheria break out?

On top of that there are thousands of seriously wounded civilians in need of ongoing medical treatment and the health care system in Gaza has been almost destroyed with hospitals,clinics and civic buildings damaged or destroyed.

Israel has waged a form of collective punishment against the residents and its main victims are the children who are malnourished and traumatised and the sick and elderly.

These are war crimes! And I hope that this Israeli leadership is held accountable for its actions in an international court of law.
It must explain how the bombing of apartment blocks and schools packed with refugees is a legitimate war tactic.

Israel is not going to easily escape these crimes....the computer is a powerful tool and there were enough journalists and cameras in Gaza to record the atrocities!
