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Thread #117906   Message #2543645
Posted By: pdq
19-Jan-09 - 10:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush pardons Border Patrol agents
Subject: RE: BS: Bush pardons Border Patrol agents
...from a man who actually knows what he's is talking about:

on October 21, 2006 at 2:27 am Luis Delgado

I went to school with Ignacio Ramos, who we all called Nacho. I have always known him to be a good guy, in a city that one can easily decide to go the other way. I am very saddened by this news and to see him and his family suffer. But it's the border, and the traffickers of people and drugs have all the power.

Sure we see the arrests of the so-called smugglers on television. But what we don't see enough of, is what we, that come from that area know, are the true criminals being held accountable. Those that hide their criminal activity behind titles, positions, and influence. So when their activity is threatened or exposed, the common man, mule, or in this case law abiding government employee, becomes the scapegoat. Someone sends a message.

So what's the message they are sending with this witch trial? To those that have and continue to dedicate their lives defending, supporting, and trusting in their government, it has to be that we must always follow procedure without fail. To those that dedicate their lives to crime, it must be that whenever you get caught, just make sure you either have the right connections and/or simply know that our government will grant you immunity from anything, if you can help them with their agenda. But most importantly, to those that live a more relaxed existence, not having to defend their lives, family, or country on a daily basis.

The message is that their is no real war on drugs. It's all made up. Because in a war, soldiers protect each other. The generals we praise in our history books, are legends. They were men that at times fought side by side with their men. They protected them with honor. They respected the sacrifice. So if there is a war on drugs, where is the general? Where is he during this fight? Since when does errors in procedure not only cost a soldier his career, reputation, and freedom, but also, have his own general grant the enemy immunity for helping to prosecute his own soldier?

This isn't a war, it's a business. A business that is so deeply stitched into our history, our culture, and our level of acceptance, that we can't even imagine how to change it. Who is the guilty party? It's so well organized and complicated that sometimes the guilty parties don't even know they are guilty. They simply accept the benefits of the business. Why shouldn't they, there is always a scapegoat.

What we do know are the victims. The users, dealers, transporters, government agents, the families of each, and even the traffickers. The ultimate pawns. One king sends it across and the other king counters with a badge. And at the end of each battle, the two shake hands and play again, leaving behind a trail of victims. And in this case, Nacho, Compean, and their families are the obvious victims. Regardless of failed procedure.

Stories involving border patrol agents being prosecuted and drug traffickers being the victim, usually include theft of drugs and money. So if these men are bad, and do not deserve to protect our border, then why did they not secure the van and keep the drugs? Why didn't they just ask for some money to look the other way? If they would have, they would still have their jobs, still have their reputations intact, still have insurance for their families, still be able to afford their mortgages, and still be home with the family for Christmas. So what's the real message being sent by the kings to the pawns?

Good luck Nacho and congrats. You just became immortal. Because we will not let this end without a fight. We will not forget your bravery. We will not forget your sacrifice. You have proven to be more man than most. I am honored to know you and hope to see and speak to you again soon. And to all of those brave men and women working our borders, you have a voice. Use it. Because, this battle must be won to protect you when you have to react to a potentially deadly situation. The confidence of support and trust in instinct must remain intact. After all, they didn't issue you a gun because the other side plays fair and uses a policies and procedures manual. They issued you a gun so that you can make it home. It may take 10 years, but Nacho and Compean will make it home again.


Proud ex-classmate of a hero