The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2543754
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
20-Jan-09 - 05:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Well, first of all, the posts with the references to animals, getting along, with each other, is one of the most ridiculous arguments justifying why it's 'normal' to be homosexual, that has been used, and really quite a stretch! Perhaps, the folks at PETA, might be impressed.. or it 'suggests' why people, of different..ummm..'species' can get along, but it has little or nothing to do with the price of eggs.
As so far as the person, who being an oceanographer, artist, etc, etc.., again, you are showing us, or at least me, that once again, you completely fail to see, or comprehend, what it is that being homosexual is about. I think these illustrations are so far removed, from what it is, that they are used, by 'supporters' of the 'political' stance, because they lack the compassion and understanding to grasp the internal makings, of being a homosexual.
....and, as long as the subject has been broached,just for what its worth, our 'Celebrity d'jour, elect', also opposes same sex
'marriage'. It's a little surprising to me, that those who consider him 'God', would be arguing the opposite way, against him(?).
Turning this into a political issue, is nothing more than insurance lobbyists, pressuring the psychiatric, and 'medical' community, to come up with studies, and findings to avoid paying out for therapy, and or, just turning their backs, on an expensive correction, yet another backlash, that has gained political steam, from other politicized issues gone wrong! (I'd site which ones, but that would open up another can of worms, and being as the simple is so much of a 'controversial' subject on here), why start up on untangling another 'widely accepted misconception'?....especially, when the evidence of the truth, presented on here, overwhelmingly blows away, why the majority, who is opposed to same sex 'marriage', doesn't have the right to vote that way...or why the courts(ninth judicial) can legislate from the bench, against the majority....and base their findings on bogus 'research'! Like it or not, or which ever way it's spun, that's the way it is!!