The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2544352
Posted By: Barry Finn
20-Jan-09 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
"Hitler would be amused at how the Jews he couldn't kill have turned in todays world, he would be very proud of them & how they are so much alike."

C. Ham
"No matter how one feels about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, that statement is anti-Semitic hate-mongering."

You may feel that way C. Ham, I couldn't give a dam.
It's a comparsion of two acting in such a way that one can't tell one from the other. It's worst though when one has been the victim & turns out to later be the one that inflicts the same destruction on an other that was inflicted on them. I would therefore say that the people of Israel have the history to know better & it's they who should "never forget" lest they become what it was whom they saw as a monster. They are now the modern monster. Of course they are not the only monster pushing their aggenda today.

To think that anyone could give a reason or excuse to what Israel has done to the people of Palestinian is the same as giving excuse to what we (the USA) did to the Iraqi people. There is no excuse, there were other bloodless wsya of pushing one's aggenda. Of course when that aggenda is expansion & land grabbing & the oppression of a people any old excuse will do, aye????
