The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2545074
Posted By: Teribus
21-Jan-09 - 10:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.

Point 1: "Israel has just stated (see NPR News) that when they're finished dealing with Hamas they will turn their attention towards Jordan."

Well just looked at NPR News/BBC News/CNN and guess what Baz – absolutely nothing about Israel turning its attention anywhere.

Point 2: - "I thought that they were just done with raining hell on Jordan or was it Lebanon or was it Syria or Egypt or Saudi, (it's lists gets so long it's hard to keep track), when they turned their attention towards the Palestinians?"

Hard to keep track is it Barry? That may well be the case if you have the attention span of a Goldfish. Now let's see what the reality of the situation is:

•        Israel has not rained hell on Jordan since 1967 – 42 years ago Barry.

•        On 12th July, 2006, Hezbollah militants purposely fired rockets at Israeli border towns as a diversion for an anti-tank missile attack on two armored Humvees patrolling the Israeli side of the border fence. Of the seven Israeli soldiers in the two jeeps, two were wounded, three were killed, and two were kidnapped and taken to Lebanon. Five more were killed in a failed Israeli rescue attempt. There then followed a 33 day campaign by Israel to rescue the two men and to push Hezbollah northwards away from the Israeli border so that Israeli towns and villages would be beyond the range of Hezbollah's Iranian supplied missiles. This was the last time Israel rained hell on Lebanon. Previously it had defeated Lebanese forces in 1949, and raided Lebanon in 1978 and 1982. After the 1982 incursion Israeli forces held South Lebanon to prevent Palestinian attacks on Israel but unilaterally withdrew in 2000.

•        Israel has not rained hell on Syria since 1973 – 36 years ago Barry.

•        Israel has never rained hell on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Barry.

•        Israel has not rained hell on Egypt since 1973 – 36 years ago Barry.

Now then Barry, are you prepared to look into what Israel has had to contend with since it won and declared its independence in 1948. I somehow doubt that you will, but if you did you would detail an almost continuous catalogue of direct threat and confrontation from its neighbours, who immediately after each defeat continue their aggression by supporting terrorist groups in their attacks on the Israeli civilian population.

One other thing that may come as a bit of a shock to you Barry, going all the way back the Israeli War of Independence, in their battles with the Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians and Lebanese they have never attacked or targeted civilian centres of population. They have only ever been subject to attack by the IDF in retaliation to attacks mounted from such centres of civilian population by Palestinian Terrorist Groups – Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Fatah Al-Aqsa Brigades, etc. Had those groups not based their attacks from those locations they would never have been attacked.

Point 3: "I get it, when they done pissing on one people they turn as the wind blows & piss on the next in line."

Read that list up above Barry?
•        Israel lives at peace with Jordan
•        Israel lives at peace with Egypt
•        Israel lives at peace with Syria and is currently engaged in covert talks to resolve their few remaining differences using Turkey as a mediator.
•        Israel lives at peace with Lebanon provided no attacks are launched on Israel from Lebanon.

Now those are ALL of what used to be called the Arab "Frontline States" and apart from Hezbollah in Lebanon, Israel has lived at peace with all of them continuously since at least 1973 (36 years Barry) So where does this continuously "pissing on people in turn" come from – Must be from your own fevered imagination, certainly not from fact.

Point 4: "I think pretty soon they'll have pissed on so many the pissed off nations surrounding Israel will all turn their attention to focus on Israel"

You mean like they did in 1967 Barry? When it was not just the Arab "Frontline States" but the entire Arab world that united to crush Israel and drive its inhabitants into the sea. You should read the rhetoric coming out of the Arab capitols at the time – but I know you won't, or if you do you will glibly dismiss it as "Jest kiddin". That accumulation of force required the unifying influence of the Pan-Arabist Movement, which no longer exists Barry. The only possible uniting force in the Arab world today is Islamic Fundamentalism and fortunately for the world at large and the region in particular the Arab states involved fully realise where the dangers in that movement ultimately lead – their own destruction.

Point 5: "…..all they'll need to know is that Obama won't back Israel if they lead in a war of aggression & that might be the end of Israel."

For that to happen Barry, Barak Obama would have to repeal the bilateral mutual defence treaty that the United States of America has had with Israel from the day that Israel declared itself to be a free independent and democratic nation. If Israel is attacked and appears to be about to go under, the United States of America will defend her – Just start thinking out the consequences for the USA and for Israel if America did not – they are far reaching and absolutely frightening.