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Thread #117906   Message #2545081
Posted By: GUEST,Janice now in Western NY State
21-Jan-09 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush pardons Border Patrol agents
Subject: RE: BS: Bush pardons Border Patrol agents
A friend of mine served nearly three years in Danbury Federal Prison for refusing to serve in the Vietnam War. He was pardoned by Jimmy Carter, and although he will never get those three years back, he feels vindicated in his resistance to an unjust war. Those Border Patrol agents were not pardoned. They still stand convicted of federal felonies and will forever suffer both the indignaties and disabilities that come with being a felon in this country. What they did get back were years of their lives.

Who got the better deal? I don't know, but personally I would have chosen the freedom of not being in jail. My draft resistor friend, however, felt differently. He could have left the country or could have avoided the draft by truthfully claiming that he was gay. Instead he chose to take a moral stand.

It's all so confusing and complicated, but despite all the baggage, I am glad the US President has the power to grant reprieves, commutations, and pardons.