The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23107   Message #254556
Posted By: Naemanson
09-Jul-00 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: Language Please
Subject: RE: Language Please
You guys are touching on a sore subject with me and that is the limited vocabulary people use these days to express themselves. My father used to talk of his father's friends who, he said, could swear for half an hour without ever repeating themselves. Kendall is from downeast and I grew up in The County (Aroostook County, Maine, to those from away). In those regions problems are accepted as a regular part of a person's daily life to be dealt with as expeditiously as possible. There is very little energy wasted on verbal expression. But my father grew up in Connecticut among a number of immigrants and heard many different forms of expression.

My point is, if you have to use strong language please use some imagination! There is almost no variety in the regular four letter words today and therefore they have little shock value. Anyone can call a stalled car a f*****g piece of s**t. But wouldn't it be classier to call it a vile, putrid, lop sided, fetid, sheep-shagging moldwarp? Or maybe slam the phone down and call the telemarketer a bilious, squid-sucking, mammering, canker-ridden, fartlicker?

If anyone is interested in expanding their vocabulary like this just drop me a line. I have something that will help them.