The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117980   Message #2546307
Posted By: wyrdolafr
22-Jan-09 - 02:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Irish Woman Jailed For Incest
Subject: BS: Irish Woman Jailed For Incest
Not a particularly nice story at all, but does a couple of interesting issues. Firstly, the disparity between male and female sentencing for this kind of crime: maximum sentence for a woman is 7 years, whereas it is a life sentence for a man. Secondly, the woman appears to have got a High Court injunction to stop the authorities taking her children off her. It's unclear whether "a Catholic right-wing organisation" gave the woman support in getting the injunction or just supported her actions (in going for the injunction) generally. How does this kind of thing happen? Who would support an injunction for this?

I'd hope this was a given, but given some of the threads on here in the past, you never know, so I'll state quite clearly: this is not a criticism of the Irish, Irish women, Irish Catholic women in general. It's the kind of terribly ugly story that could happen anywhere.