The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39836   Message #2546418
Posted By: GUEST,Mike (mrab7163) in Texas
22-Jan-09 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: Where are the Womenfolk?
Subject: RE: Where are the Womenfolk?
I don't know why I felt I was the only one that ever heard of The Womenfolk. Fot an awful long time most people I talked to just shook there heads no when I asked if they had ever heard their music. My love affair with them started in the 60s. When I found The Mudcat everything changed, I found other "Womenfolkers" and have downloaded every soung they have made available on the net. I wore out two of their "Never Underestimate The Power Of The Womenfold" albums and thought I would never have the pleasure of hearing the rest. Their exceptional blending of harmony brought chills to your body when listening to them. oh sure there were and are other groups that sing well and harmonize, but there will never be another group like "The Womenfolk". They had a real quality that will never be equaled again. They made a lonely and borng tour of duty in the Aluetian Islands more bearable. To them I send my sincere thanks for a talent seldom seen or heard in the music business. God Bless you all.