The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2546460
Posted By: GUEST,ifor
22-Jan-09 - 05:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
Carol is correct ...East Jerusalem,the West Bank and Gaza are not part of Israel.They are occupied territory.Occupied by a military with bristling firepower and in the case of the West Bank occupied by recently arrived armed settlers often of the most extreme kind, who have been attacking Palestinian farmers and villagers.In addition, these settlers aided by the Israeli state have been stealing farmland,grubbing up olive groves and orchards and diverting scarce water supplies from the indiginous Palestinians.

The giant Apartheid Wall has been built on occupied land and in the process has cut off villages from neighbouring farmland and separated towns from outlying villages and divided families who now live on opposite sides of the wall.

The Apartheid Wall is of course guarded by soldiers who are quite likely to beat or shoot those who try to cross it or who demonstrate against it.The injured include many brave young Israelis who have protested alongside Palestinians against this monstrosity.

During the course of the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem hundreds of thousands of Palestinians including women and children have been arrested and served time in prison.Many of these have been imprisoned without trial and there are widespread, well founded , allegations of torture and ill treatment of those imprisoned by the Israeli state.
ps... BB is incorrect when he says that Moslems arabs are not being discriminated against in Israel and West Jerusalem.
Also many Palestinians are christian and they too suffer discrimination as Palestinians in the land of their birth.