The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22631   Message #254649
Posted By: Dave Swan
09-Jul-00 - 03:40 PM
Thread Name: Guest beer at the Red Lion
Subject: RE: Guest beer at the Red Lion
You guys are KILLING ME. Mind you, there's good beer to be had in the States, but nothing approaching the emabarassment of riches you have. I know the corporate robber chemists are having their way, and there are few real cellarmen left who know how to clean a beer engine or care for real ale, but I'll take those risks. I'm ready to hop on a plane and follow my nose to the sanctuary of a real pub and bury my nose in a real pint. Ruddles, anything from Hook Norton, Badger Bitter first to cut the dust, then we'll get down to serious sampling. You've just reminded me to re-up my CAMRA membership.

Yours, with envy, Dave