The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117906   Message #2546734
Posted By: Joe Offer
23-Jan-09 - 03:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush pardons Border Patrol agents
Subject: RE: BS: Bush pardons Border Patrol agents
pdq says:Darn, pdq, I did investigations at Border Patrol offices for 25 years, until 1999. They sure didn't do things that way back in my day. I saw Border Patrol Agents crowding aliens into holding cells and feeding them baloney sandwiches until the bus came to take them back across the border. I'm certainly glad the Bush Administration has taught those Border Patrol agents to be polite....

In general, the agents were quite professional. I had questions about some of the detention officers, but the agents were ok. But no, they didn't politely ask illegals to go home - they caught them and shipped them back.

The baloney sandwiches weren't bad - they used to let me have leftovers. Tasted much better than the baloney about the millions of illegal aliens voting. Riginslinger's Loretta Sanchez Wikipedia article did state that "A Congressional investigation found evidence that 624 votes were indeed cast by non-citizens" in a 1996 election in a heavily Hispanic district. If you assume even non-Hispanic districts have so many illegal voters, multiply that 624 by 435 congressional districts, and you still get a far cry from "millions."

Try using facts when you argue, guys.
