The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117980   Message #2547210
Posted By: The Sandman
23-Jan-09 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Irish Woman Jailed For Incest
Subject: RE: BS: Irish Woman Jailed For Incest
Having worked with at least one male victim of rape I can assure you that what you said is the same bollocks as a man who claimed a woman consented because "She was wet for me.
not the same situation at all[imo],I agree that the mother could have groomed the child,and indoctrinated him into thinking it was ok,but that is not rape,[rape is a violent action].
I agree it is a terrible thing to do.
sending this woman to prison will not help to cure her,what will happen,is that in prison she will meet similiar types,who will advise her how to work the system and say the right words to the social workers,
what needs to happen,is that cases like this are prevented,
why wasnt it prevented,.where were the relatives ,social workers,and fathers of the children,
this case has been sensationalised because the perpertrator was a woman,cases like this involving men[because they are more numerous]do not make front page news.