The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117906   Message #2547411
Posted By: pdq
23-Jan-09 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush pardons Border Patrol agents
Subject: RE: BS: Bush pardons Border Patrol agents
Perhaps you should engage in a little "truth in advertising" yourself, Joe Offer.

You said on another thread that you want a wide open border with Mexico. You want all the people who try to get into the US to be able to do so without being impeded.

That makes any praise or support of our Border Patrol coming from you seem a bit empty. In fact, I see no support for them from you at all.

I am happy that Romos and Compean were set free. They tried to do their job not knowing that half the politicians in this country don't want them to succede. That ain't right.