The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117980   Message #2547464
Posted By: Janie
23-Jan-09 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Irish Woman Jailed For Incest
Subject: RE: BS: Irish Woman Jailed For Incest
The prime function of prisons and prison terms is to provide societal justice and consequences for violating societal rules. Punishment. Some prison systems also offer treatment and rehabilitation services, but that is not the purpose for inprisoning someone.

There are very good reasons why incest and sex with children are such strong societal taboos. Sexual abuse is much more common than many people realize. Think of how much more often it would occur without the strong social doctrination against it.

Treatment and consequences should not, imo, be considered as either/or. I think punishment must be imposed, for the sake of society, and treatment should be offered.

Sex offender treatment is a very specialized practice, and I don't provide it. I do complete assessments, however, and make recommendations for treatment, with which probationary violators have to comply as a condition of their probation.    It does not have a very good success rate, largely because the vast majority of sex offenders do not accept full responsibility for their actions (to echo Sleepy Rose.) It still should be offered, however.

I do occasionally see instances where probation is appropriate for sex offenders.    In the case of incest, however, I think there always has to be a prison term.

The minor, whether it is a young child, or a teenager, is never, ever, responsible for being sexually abused by an adult. The adult has all the priviledges, and all the responsibilities that go with being an adult. One can understand and have compassion for a parent or other adult who abuses kids (sexually or otherwise) who may themselves have been products of an abusive childhood. But one can not let them off the hook for failing to carry out their adult responsibilities.

Sleepy Rosie and Mick, thank you for sharing so intimately to help others understand.
