The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118001   Message #2547651
Posted By: VirginiaTam
24-Jan-09 - 04:10 AM
Thread Name: Trigger Finger, a medical problem
Subject: RE: Trigger Finger, a medical problem
Ice and stretching is very good. No! Ice is beautiful as is my TENS machine. I keep a buckwheat filled microwaveable neck pillow in my freezer. Wrap it around any RA affected joint, then stretch. Works wonders.

I have RA in my left wrist and now spreading to both hands, which sometimes makes to curl into claws, especially while I sleep. Takes some time to straighten them out.

I wouldn't do the injections unless you get someone who knows what they are doing. 2 years ago a rheumatologist (the bastard) did a cortisone jab and a long strenuous massage in my only slightly affected left wrist which put me in weeping pain. I literally had to beg him to stop. I swear toothache was less excruciating than that massage. The ganglion gnode which had been about shriveled pea size went to gooseberry size and stayed for over a year. I am only recently able to play guitar again.

Do the ice and stretch routine. Be dilligent. See if you can try before buying a TENS machine.