The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117980   Message #2547806
Posted By: The Sandman
24-Jan-09 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Irish Woman Jailed For Incest
Subject: RE: BS: Irish Woman Jailed For Incest
Richard , prison is supposed to serve these functions , whether it does, is debatable.
this woman is suffering from a medical condition [alcoholism].
is sending someone to prison the best way to cure alcoholism?
will sending her to prison,stop her committing the offence when she is let out?.
how much does it cost to keep her in prison for seven years,and would that money not bebetterspent on better training,and more well trained social workers to prevent other cases happening.
removing her from her family ,prevents a repetition of these offences,there is no need tosend her to prison,what would be better would for her to be on probation and do seven years community work.