The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23107   Message #254805
Posted By: GUEST,Joerg
09-Jul-00 - 09:44 PM
Thread Name: Language Please
Subject: RE: Language Please
Thank you, kendall.

Sailor Dan - is 'french kissing' bad language? Maybe so because it's an euphemism not telling what is meant. What's bad with 'french'? What's bad with 'kissing'? What you are referring to is the concept of 'french kissing' not the name given to it. A concept that IS there but a concept adults seem to want to hide to children. But didn't all of us (NOW I'm generalising) learn new concepts by hearing new words and asking what they meant? You can't keep children from doing so and that's good because adults will never think of everything children have to know in order to teach it to them. Seeing (or hearing) something new and asking "What's that?" is essential for becoming at least as intelligent as we are.

kendall, again - I agree that there's a problem with people trying to drive a car by blowing the horn. But you seem to refer to something like 'children'. To my opinion that is an adult specific problem, a problem specific to 'adults' who are not yet 'old' enough (30 is not a limit!). It's not a problem concerning children, but I'm sure one can make (create) problems to children by telling (or trying to show) them that the art of driving a car is simply not blowing the horn.

I think, it's not the language that may cause problems. It's what is said with the language in question and our (sorry for generalising again) incompetence to handle it - in general, not only concerning children.

But that is one of the BIG problems.
