The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118023   Message #2548826
Posted By: Greg F.
25-Jan-09 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick
Governor Paterson could not have made a better choice...

Unless he's shot himself and the people of New York in the foot by handing Gillibrand's congressional seat back to the GOP in the person of that miserable Neo-Conservative Reaganite hack, Elizabeth Little, in the upcoming special election.

Patterson may be legally blind in more ways than one.

And there's a lot more to like about Gillibrand beyond her unfortunate gun-nut and immigrant-bashing tendencies; these may be voiced by her as a matter of pragmatism rather than true-believership since no-one in her district in rural New York could be elected without mouthing them.