The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118028   Message #2548845
Posted By: breezy
25-Jan-09 - 01:32 PM
Thread Name: Raffles at UK folk clubs
Subject: RE: Raffles at UK folk clubs
hey leadfingers, I think holding you up by the throat was probably the high spot of their tour, I would have paid good money to see that

name names please cruel divas need to be bought to heel

The raffle can be a great opportunity for organisers/committee to socially engage with attendees who may be very reticent and could possibly leave without having spoken to anyone

Hey Twick, an extra 3songs = drawing the raffle

we sold raffle Tickets on the door or during the interval, the draw was made before the main guest and if the winner was not present we drew it again, all over in 60 seconds and by then the main guest was ready to go straight into intro or song

Then they would have to wait till the end to collect prize, sometimes they forgot, that way we would have some audience stay till the end.

A lower door price is preferential and the raffle 'take' can reflect the numbers present.

Most supporters would purchase only the odd one would decline the invitation, usually a very odd one.

50% of a raffle take ought to be returned in prize value, hence a bottle of plonk reflects the state of many clubs finances

BTW Mr TwickFolk:

When is Chuck coming to the patch please and can I have a floor spot that night, and if you want , I'll do the raffle, O K lets settle for a floor spot, give hamish a ring.Cheers