The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2548883
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
25-Jan-09 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Not at all. You think my question was 'absurd'. I think that you're saying, a man can IMITATE a woman, by affectations of being effeminate, and be a 'wife, and/or mother'. To me, (and the majority of inhabitants of THIS planet), think that is absurd poppycock!! Do you think, a man, who can't even relate realistically to a woman, has any idea of what a woman goes through during childbirth, and hard labor??? Do you even have an idea, of the place a woman goes to, and experiences in those moments between hard contractions..and appreciate the wonderful beauty of what she is going through??? You think that merely going through the motions of being effeminate, is anything even close to that???? Nor will you accept that those two dynamics, upon getting together, to share their lives, and/or having children, and raising them, is altogether DIFFERENT than someone acting out a denial of their own gender, and through THAT inability, to accept the opposite sex, and bring something to them, that is an essential part of the union, that makes the two a whole!! Sorry, Charlie,..what I'm describing is a marriage, between a man, and a woman. What you are describing is two like gendered people who got together, for the reason of having sex. Those two things, are different in function, purpose and interaction. It has a different name. That name describes a definition. Homosexual co-habitation, is not the same in function, purpose and interaction. Marriage, and families, are the basic fabric of society. Homosexual co-habitation, is not!!! You are trying to say apples and oranges are the same thing, and it is YOU that is absolutely absurd. ..Along with the ability to experience childbirth, comes the psychological make up, and wiring, to both fully experience it, AND appreciate, and bond to that child, that a MAN IMITATING a woman's characteristics(and imitating marriage), can not achieve!! Just for that reason alone, should women be revered..and not be disregarded as merely a sex object, or the cute face of the day! Yes, homosexuality is a dysfunction....unless you are willing to accept, that a lesbian is a better man than you!!!
Marriage is marriage....homosexual co-habitation, is something it what you will, but marriage it is NOT!!!
Perhaps, it is you that is unsure of YOUR role, or perhaps you've abdicated YOUR role, or never fully assumed it, that leaves you in the dark.....which must be apparent to your wives, for either the appreciation, or exploitation. Still, try to tell your wives that a man can be a better wive/mother, think I'M absurd???'d be chopped meat!