The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2549066
Posted By: CarolC
25-Jan-09 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
Israel did not make a move toward peace. Israel, in fact, committed to a strategy that Israel, itself, considers an act of war. When other countries blockaded bodies of water that Israel considered important for its survival, it waged wars and bombing raids against the countries responsible for those blockades (killing civilians in the process), calling them an act of war.

I don't agree with Hamas' tactics of firing their rockets in such a way that they can kill civilians, but by Israel's definition of an "act of war", Gazans certainly had justification for aggressively responding to Israel's economic strangulation of Gaza as the act of war that it was and is.

I don't know what they hope to accomplish by firing rockets. But I don't know what other options they have in the face of being slowly starved by Israel, either.

Background on the economic effects of Israel's strangulation of Gaza here...