The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117878   Message #2549604
Posted By: Jayto
26-Jan-09 - 03:03 PM
Thread Name: Is Prissy Fingerpicking a Turnoff?
Subject: RE: Is Prissy Fingerpicking a Turnoff?
Man I want a Tabla bad!!! I have for a long time. If someone calls me a prissy Tabla player in Ky or Tn I wont get mad. I will just be impressed they knew what it was lol. Hurdy Gurdy's are cool as well. Like I said I guess I understand guitar playing better so I tend to judge guitarists harder. I play alot of different instruments but guitar is my main one and I know it better than any other. I want a sitar as well. The Tabla and Sitar are 2 instruments I have never had or fooled with but I have loved them for years now. I hope I am a prissy sitar/tabla player someday. I hope you all hear me and say "damn how pretentious!!" lol