The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118070   Message #2549745
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
26-Jan-09 - 05:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Good thoughts needed for my daughter....
Subject: RE: BS: Good thoughts needed for my daughter....
The doctor did say that if it were any bigger then he would be sending her to Gt Ormond Street tomorrow to be checked out.

Phone him up tomorrow and say you want to take her to Gt. Ormond St. tomorrow. If he could have got that appointment sorted out for you today, then he can also do it tomorrow.

Don't wait 10 days, Catherine. Babies should be seen fast, not only for their own health, but for yours too. It's not good enough that you've been palmed off with a 'normal' appointment of 'they'll contact you soon'

10 days is a very long time to sit and worry.

It's probably nothing but a little fatty lump, as you say, but having worked with doctors for many years, I know that Specialists/Consultants would far rather see a little baby as fast as they can, and give you a clean bill of health, reduce the worry all round, rather than think that you've been sitting there worrying your socks off.

You're entitled to ask for a second opinion at your GP's if you're not happy with his answer. Don't worry about making a nuisance of yourself about this, it truly doesn't matter what they think. What matters is your little girl and your peace of mind.

And please, don't panic and think I know something that you don't, because I don't, not at all. But I know how the system works from the inside, and if you make enough fuss, something will nearly always get done and be moved along. The alternative is to take her to your local A&E and get them to get her checked out by someone who knows what they're doing.

I wish you both well. I've been there with a sick child, as many of us have, and we all know how it makes you almost physically hurt inside.

We're all holding Amelia close, Catherine.