The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2549913
Posted By: Sawzaw
26-Jan-09 - 11:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
"so it's not at all correct to say that they've only been bringing in weapons."
Why bring in any weapons? Especially it people are starving?

"the Israeli military has destroyed most of the tunnels"
Maybe because they are being used to smuggle weapons. Another ploy by Hamas to put civilians at risk for their political purposes.

"But almost a million and a half people need a tremendous amount of food every day"
Was there a problem before Hamas started lobbing missles into Israel?

"not able to buy necessities with money they have been able to earn through their own economy"
How come they can get weapons but not food?

They destroy their own economy.

Why were the Palestinians kicked out of Jordan? How come Jordan has no beef with Israel?

There are people in Jordan involved in manufacturing things for Companies in Israel. Why doesn't Israel wreck Jordan's economy if that ie their purpose?