The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118080   Message #2550051
Posted By: nutty
27-Jan-09 - 06:44 AM
Thread Name: Pickering Folk Festival 2009
I probably should keep out of this thread (given what happened last time) but my first response to this is .......

Good idea to change the date and put out some publicity


Who Events And Exhibitions Ltd ? .... couldn't find any info on the net other than that they have a full committment to model trains .... and the name seems uncomfortably similar to the last organisation.

Who is booked? ..... by this time contracts should have been exchanged?
Are they likely to attract any of the big names they had on the bill last time?

Who is the contact for , Artists, Stewards, Stallholders?

Given last years fiasco - with people still being owed money - is there enough goodwill to get this event off the ground??