The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2550216
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
27-Jan-09 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
It has been noted on the 'Cat that Palestinians were not kicked out of Jordan. That is only partially true. There are Palestinians in Jordan, but Palestine militants, including Y. Arafat were expelled.

The Black September Movement was formed as a direct result of Arafat was expelled from Jordan, and Palestinians were expelled and/or left on their own following attacks by the Jordanian army. This was from sovereign Jordan proper, not from the West Bank area which Jordan no longer controlled

Black September Movement (noun)
A former Palestinian terrorist organization (now merged with Fatah Revolutionary Council) that assassinated the Prime Minister of Jordan and during the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich killed 11 Israeli athletes.
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton Univerty.

From various Wikipedia articles:

"In the late 1960s, the Fatah faction of the PLO had set up a state within a state, inside Jordan. Increasing numbers of armed, uniformed Palestinians set up checkpoints, collected taxes, and refused to travel with Jordanian license plates on their cars. In the southern zone, bordering on Israel, they demanded and seized autonomous control, rejecting the king's authority in Jordan. The aligned Palestinian organizations carried out a series of deadly attacks against Israel, from Jordanian territory. Guerrilla raids against Israel, were mounted from bases in the West Bank, Lebanon and Jordan. King Hussein who became increasingly devoted to the promotion of peace in the region, made various peaceful attempts to re-establish his authority in Jordan, attempting a seven-point agreement with the PLO in November of 1968, along with fostering peace between Israel and Egypt."

"The Jordanian army began plans to expel the Fedayeen and PLO. On the morning of September 16, [1970] Hussein declared martial law. On September 17, the military attack began. Patton tanks from the 60th armored brigade, accompanied by armored vehicles, entered Amman from all sides, and attacked the headquarters of the Palestinian organizations."

"The number of casualties in what resembled a civil war is estimated at tens of thousands. Though Palestinian civillians[sic] were killed in far greater numbers, both sides were involved in the intentional targeting of civilians. It was a turning point for Jordanian identity, as the kingdom embarked on the program of "Jordanization" of the society that relegated Palestinians to "outsider" status."

"Toward the end of March, after a Palestinian arms warehouse was discovered in Irbid, [a city in northern Jordan cotrolled by Palestinians] the Jordanian army placed a curfew on the city, arrested some of the Palestinian activists, and expelled others. The takeover of Irbid was completed at the beginning of April. Afterward, many senior members of the Palestinian organizations, who were aware of their weakness, began to withdraw from Amman as well."

Lebanon became home to more than 110,000 Palestinian refugees from their homes in present day Israel. The large influx of Palestinians from Jordan after "Black September" caused an imbalance within Lebanese society and democratic institutions.[1][2] By 1975, they numbered more than 300,000, effectively creating an unofficial state-within-a-state in Southern Lebanon. The PLO became a powerful force and played an important role in the Lebanese Civil War."

"Arafat set about building a "state-within-the-state" [As they had tried to do in Jordan, see above] in southern Lebanon, to create a secure base area for the PLO, headquartered in the Bekaa Valley and West Beirut. Gradually the Lebanese authorities were being pushed into irrelevancy."

"Ma'an (Arabic) reports that aArafat[sic] set about building a "state-within-the-state" in southern Lebanon, to create a secure base area for the PLO, headquartered in the Bekaa Valley and West Beirut. Gradually the Lebanese authorities were being pushed into irrelevancy. A series of articles being authored by longtime Arafat aide Marwan Kanafani in Egypt's Al Ahram will say that it was Yasir Arafat himself who created the Black September organization in 1970."

There may be some redundancy in the above, but I don't want anybody to think I am manipulating meaning by not using complete sentences, or merging sentences, thereby putting my own spin on it. My comments for clarification are in [].