The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23157   Message #255067
Posted By: Jon Freeman
10-Jul-00 - 10:15 AM
Thread Name: Gibsons the popsters' acoustic choice?
Subject: RE: Gibsons the popsters' acoustic choice?
I don't know what the real answer is but one thing I will say is although they are well made instruments, I have yet to meet a Gibson that has done anything special for me sound wise an if I was thinking in terms of spending a lot of money on a guitar, it would have to have something very special about it - I can think of a couple of Martin's that would suit me nicely for example.

The tone is a very subuctive issue and it could be that one day I meet a Gibson that I would "kill for" but assuming you are correct (I can only think of one Gibson in folk circles round here and the owner normally uses a Sigma), and this is sheer speculation. Perhaps Gibson's don't produce a tone that appeals to many folk players.

Jon (expecting to be shot down in flames for this post)