The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116430   Message #2551056
Posted By: Jeri
28-Jan-09 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: It's Snowing...!
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
I woke up this morning and wondered why I wasn't uncomfortably warm. A trip to the basement revealed a small puddle of water and a cold, silent furnace. Popped the reset button and things got warm and the leak stopped, then the button popped again.

So then I shoveled a path to the basement door and called the oil/funace guys, then came upstairs and popped some aspirin just because I'm paranoid about being a statistic. Now I'm eating a bowl of cheerios with a ton of milk because of the aspirin and my stomach.

Hey--at least I have electricity! And water! And space heaters!