The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118023   Message #2551162
Posted By: irishenglish
28-Jan-09 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
As a New Yorker, and one of those liberal NY City people to boot I have mixed feelings about my new Senator. The past few summers as I have gotten to know my wife's family, all of whom live in various parts of upstate NY, I can certainly see how upstaters feel about getting short changed on a whole range of problems. I have also met and talked with a lot of folks from that area as well, and I think its great that, at least for now, those folks feel like they are getting representation. And as anyone who has travelled in upstate NY knows, there are a lot of miles between NYC and say, Watkins Glen, both geographically, and politically. It's always been a double edge sword though, because upstate definitely needs NYC, Long Island, and the other outlying suburbs to exist, if not exactly thrive, but NYC has had a poor attitude about upstate generally. Like I said, now that I have met a lot of upstaters, and seen some of the more rural areas upstate, I think it could be a healthy balance. But I also hasten to add that Gillibrand is, like all the other Senators who have replaced members of Obama's cabinet,a caretaker for a relatively short time. I hope she, like all the others in her shoes dive head first and put things forth on an agenda. But in terms of calling her a great pick, I think that remains to be seen.