The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2551530
Posted By: GUEST,curious reader
28-Jan-09 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
at this time, its time to hear from me, and now us. i'm gay, and reading this with much interest. most of this stuff is baloney, by people who don't understand. the one that has caught my interest, is 'guest from sanity'. and i'd like to address this question to him/her. when i first came across this thread, i took little or no interest in it, but now, that the conversation has taken some most interesting turns, its time for me to speak up. first it was just me, then my partner, then a friend, and another, and another. this blog has gotten probably bigger than you all think. you've come at guest from sanity, and ake, with all you've got. and frankly, all the excuses that i've either heard, or used myself. to make it short, 'sanity', has shredded most all of it, now its time to ask you ('sanity')a question. some of your answers, we've printed, and even passed out, to other friends. the question is, you spoke of a deep hurt, which is true, you spoke of actually making the decision to have sex with another guy. that's true too. but you haven't offered a solution. at this point, you have all of our undivided attention. if you offer the solution, to the deep hurt, which i won't even give you a hint, as to what it is, then in all honesty, that could and change EVERYTHING. you all think that the 'christians' are bigoted, you should see my fellow gay friends, when one of us starts deciding to go straight! they become everything but gay. more like downright hateful and nasty. so, my curiousity goes to 'sanity'. here is is, if you hit it on the head, you are going to have a way more massive impact than any of you think. what is it? or is it just hot air. part of me wants you to be 'full of it' and another part wants to be free, and your answer is going to really matter. six of us are now engaged is some very sobering discussions, because of you. please answer this post thoughtfully, as your earlier posts, lead us to believe that you are sincere, knowledgeable, and caring. I know there are others on her, offering us the rap to plead our cause, but it is yours that has spoken to our hearts. what's it going to be?
sincerely, more than just us 6