The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118070   Message #2551644
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
29-Jan-09 - 01:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Good thoughts needed for my daughter....
Subject: RE: BS: Good thoughts needed for my daughter....
I'm coming late to this thread.

Sad to say, it doesn't get any easier, but it is always worthwhile. You always worry about them, no matter how big they are when they get sick. The big benefit to their getting older is that they do a better job of telling you what doesn't feel good. We've had our share of "they need to be seen right now" visits and we have a family pediatric surgeon and an oncologist/hematologist (for the hematology specialty, not the cancer one) along with our regular family practitioners.

I brought my newborn son home from two weeks in the NICU only to turn around that afternoon and take his older sister up to the same children's hospital ER because she got sand in her eye when playing in the yard. I felt like I lived at that place after a while. She was with us in the birthing suite when her brother was born, but the next day we had to take her to her pediatrician for a horrible cough--she had bronchitis. I was in the pediatrician's office less than 24 hours after giving birth. You do what you have to do. :-/

Khatt, it does get easier. Take comfort in the realization that what they really want when they feel bad is MOM. And for a few years here, you are the center of their world. It's what keeps you going later as you watch them grow and slowly move out on their own--knowing that they couldn't do it so confidently if they didn't have that hot core of love that comes from the years of hands-on parenting that you're doing right now.

Sometimes it might be tempting to wish to always keep them cute and cuddly and exactly at some wonderful small stage, but I'm here to tell you that as they grow they are so interesting to watch, and it is wonderful to teach and share and see the positive impact you are having on the world at large by raising such wonderful children. My children are big, one is away at college and in a year and a half the other one will follow. They are such good company that I will miss them being here, but I am so pleased with the confident people they are becoming that I wouldn't wish it to be any different.

Don't scare yourself to death by Googling symptoms for your daughter. Sometimes you can land exactly on the condition, but most times the keywords are too squishy and you'll worry needlessly. Stick to your guns for appointments, accept offers of assistance when you can because they can help, and good luck as you sort all of this out.