The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118146   Message #2551964
Posted By: Big Mick
29-Jan-09 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: Obit: John Martyn (1948-2009)
Subject: RE: Obit: John Martyn 29/01/09
A huge loss. This man knew where the veins of raw ore existed in the human condition, and he knew how to mine it. He did it with extraordinary lyrics, the ability to pull you in with the turning of a phrase, and guitar work that simply floated it all into your deepest regions. The loss is felt by us all, but I imagine among our British friends, it is felt the deepest of all.

His voice is out there. I hear it in my friend George Papavgeris, and many others.

Rest well, and thanks for the music.
